Vital Beat In The West Australian

Feb 25, 2022

  …..For Vital Beat Yoga owner Kaye Waterhouse, taking her yoga studio online was not solely about keeping the business afloat when COVID-19 shut its doors in Midland and Edgewater. “It was most importantly to support the physical and mental wellbeing of our student base”, she says. “I struggle with clinical anxiety and I’ve found these times incredibly challenging, not only in wrangling my own mental health but trying to remain a leader for my team and a source of strength and safe haven for our community. 

The practice of yoga is my sanctuary when things seem so uncertain, and if I feel that way, then surely many others do too. So I cant stop fighting to keep this community together because we all need it (social distance or not). The response has been phenomenal.”

Raquel de Brito & Tanya MacNaughton